Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design

Doctoral school

A new European doctoral programme is launching
Doctoral dissertations
Research Groups
Doctoral School
1121 Budapest, Zugligeti út 9-25. MOME UP
Floor, door
U_406, U_413
Opening hours
Monday-Thursday: 10 AM - 6 PM
Friday: 10 AM - 4 PM
Office manager
Julia Gáspár
MOME's multidisciplinary doctoral school pursues its activities in three design and art disciplines and one scientific discipline building on the coherence and interdisciplinary collaboration of the four disciplines.

The division of training into four branches aligns with the structure of the university’s Master’s training, and completes the trend of three-tier education, leading from a broad spectrum of specific skills (BA) through the synthesising Master’s programmes to the integrative doctoral training. This educational philosophy is also reflected in the inter- and transdisciplinary character of the thematic foci formulated by the doctoral school,

character of the thematic foci formulated by the doctoral school, and in the fact that the supervisors, representing various creative/research fields, typically work in a co-consultative relationship with the various doctoral students and doctoral groups.
The MOME Doctoral School places the research and the professional fields it covers in the context of basic and applied research, development, and innovation in collaboration with other national and international academic institutions, market players, and social organisations.


A new European doctoral programme is launching

The application interface of the CoDesign4Transitions programme has opened


Research Groups

MOME Sonic is a concert series launched in 2021 at the recommendation of Bálint Veres by graduating doctoral students of the Doctoral School studying and researching music or sound art.

The research group was created to support each other’s work by finding the common ground between their fields and areas of research.

We believe that design needs to be inclusive and accessible to everyone.

The goal of the research group is to create a hub that explores and discusses the physical, emotional, social, and mental dimensions of digital-human interaction through peer learning.


University Doctoral and Habilitation Council

University Doctoral and Habilitation Council

University Doctoral and Habilitation Council

university professor, Head of BA programme, University Doctoral and Habilitation Council, supervisor

assistant lecturer, University Doctoral and Habilitation Council, doctoral student, external lecturer, training development programme lead

university professor, Doctoral School Board, Head of the Doctoral School, MA programme lead, University Doctoral and Habilitation Council, supervisor

university professor, University Doctoral and Habilitation Council, supervisor

University Doctoral and Habilitation Council

university professor, Doctoral School Board, Head of the PhD programme, MA programme lead, University Doctoral and Habilitation Council, supervisor

university professor, University Doctoral and Habilitation Council, supervisor

university professor, Doctoral School Board, Head of the Doctoral School, MA programme lead, University Doctoral and Habilitation Council, supervisor

university professor, Doctoral School Board, Head of the PhD programme, MA programme lead, University Doctoral and Habilitation Council, supervisor

habilitated associate professor, Doctoral School Board, Head of the DLA programme, supervisor


Launched jointly by the Foundation for Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design and the University, the Aurum Futuri Excellence Awards have been presented for the second time in MOME’s history. This year’s recipients are lead instructor of the Mobility Design specialisation András Húnfalvi, and head and lead researcher of the Immersion & Interaction Hub Ágnes Karolina Bakk PhD.

Our University has been invited to exhibit at one of the world's most prestigious digital art festivals, the Ars Electronica 2024. Each year, the Campus series of the long-standing festival presents an art university. This year's exhibition is organised in collaboration with the University of Linz, and will feature outstanding student diploma works from recent years in Linz's main square selected by curators Judit Eszter Kárpáti, Esteban de la Torre, and Ágoston Nagy.

At the MOME Campus, we recently had a honey harvest! Two bee families named Méz-ga and Tóték settled on the campus and diligently produced already 40 kg of forest flower honey over a month. With the help of certified beekeeper Tamás Kutasi, the university community extracted the 'MOME-honey' and collected beeswax and propolis during the first honey harvest.


The founding editors of Disegno set out to create a free, reviewed, semesterly periodical at the forefront of the creative and scientific worlds for providing an international representation and a critical analysis of design culture. The periodical is managed by the MOME Doctoral School and is available in both online and offline formats.



The MOME Doctoral School cordially invites you to the doctoral thesis defence of animation designer Tamás Ducki. His doctoral dissertation and masterwork is entitled Auteur animation in music video.

The Doctoral School of MOME invites you to the final doctoral presentation of Dániel Cseh.



Name of document
Doktori Szabályzat 2023
Doctoral Regulations 2017 (Hungarian)
Habilitation Policy (Hungarian)
Member of the European
Network of
Higher Education Institutions
9 Zugligeti St,
Budapest, 1121