Moholy-Nagy Universityof Art and Design Budapest
MOME is a university for artists, designers, creators and innovators who are committed to break the mold of mediocrity. We focus on taking a whole person approach via mentoring and creating a value-driven arts and design ecosystem in the CEE (Central and Eastern Europe) region.

New International programmes

MOME offers new English-language MAs to East Central European talents


The goal of the Foundation for the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design is to become Hungary's first net carbon neutral higher education institution by 2030.


Geometriai modellnek indult, majd a világ egyik legismertebb térbeli logikai játéka lett belőle. Generációk nőttek fel a bűvös kocka oldalait forgatva, és a mai napig versenyeket rendeznek abból, ki tudja minél rövidebb idő alatt kirakni, azaz a kilenc azonos színű kisebb kockát egy-egy oldalra mozgatni anélkül, hogy szétszedné. A bűvös kocka, amelyet Rubik Ernő a MOME elődintézményében, az Iparművészeti Főiskolán alkotott meg, 2024-ben ünnepli 50. születésnapját, sőt alkotója is jubilál, idén 80 éves.

MOME students triumphed at the Red Dot Design Awards, often referred to as the "Oscars of the design world" with revolutionary concepts including a hybrid tram, a modular pram, an innovative VR headset for home workouts, and a stretcher designed for rough terrains. These award-winning projects were developed under the new preparatory programme of the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, whose success is demonstrated by five out of twelve submissions receiving accolades.

It is a long-standing tradition of our University to entrust designing the visual identity of the MOME Diploma, from graphic design to the portrait photography of BA and MA students, to students through a competition. The annually refreshed concept thus reflects the university community from within, creating an important snapshot of the times and a unique keepsake for each graduating year.



A Rubik-kocka megalkotásának 50. évfordulója és megalkotójának 80. születésnapja alkalmából tart szimpóziumot a MOME.


In the spirit of modernism, László Moholy-Nagy advocated the role of art in shaping society and intertwining with technological innovations.


Our operations are based on learning, research and applied mastery to create impact and tackle global challenges.

It is the main pillar of the University's core activities, that unites education, including all institutes and departments, while also serving the primary repository and development center for the University's intellectual heritage.

The institutional unit responsible for research and development at MOME. It is an incubator of impact-driven design solutions that are useful for society, and it also conducts long-term research and market collaborations. MOME students and faculty can participate in its activities.

The Technology Park has state-of-the-art workshop and studio facilities for education. With its facilities/machines for experimentation, prototyping, media content development and professional production, and the expertise it provides, it is a place for practical training.

Member of the European
Network of
Higher Education Institutions
9 Zugligeti St,
Budapest, 1121