Iconic Frigyes Pogány statue finds new home
Amid the radical changes and growth over the past decades, the presence of works that reinforce MOME's identity and showcase the values of our past has become increasingly crucial. The Heritage of the Future Remembrance programme fosters a dialogue between past and future, providing an opportunity to connect with the University's traditions through meaningful works of art and the legacy of illustrious figures.The bust of Frigyes Pogány is one of those artworks or memorials that served as important links between the past and the present even before the development of the campus started.
It previously stood in the first landing of the staircase in Building A (now MASTER), on a cast stone pedestal reminiscent of an Ionic capital. As part of the Heritage of the Future programme, it has now been relocated to a prominent spot on the terrace behind the listed neoclassical building of the Gond-űző Villa, which has been renamed Frigyes Pogány Terrace on the occasion of the unveiling. Later down the line, the statue could be the starting point for a digital database of background information to be created, which could be opened with a key or marker and offer a wide range of MOME-related content and knowledge.