Porcelain artist Zsolt József Simon’s course and lecture to be delivered as part of the Course Week

The lecture will focus on the artist's professional journey from the beginnings to the present day, covering intriguing personal questions such as how he happened to fall in love with ceramics at the age of 12, and how his career has proceeded from there. He will share how this journey led through a colourful maze of strokes of luck, encounters, exciting coincidences, a lot of hard work, external help, brave or cautious decisions, and inexplicable determination, exploring the possibilities within porcelain, to reach the undeniable success it holds today. What can a combination of cathartic commitment, openness to experimentation, perseverance, and hard work achieve?

The lecture will also provide an overview of international artists using a similar technique, presenting plaster casting in a broader context.
Simon is passionate about what he does, at the same time, he is full of admiration for the vibrant creative skills of other artists, which lends a special atmosphere to his lectures.

More information about the artist and his works

Event information

Date and time: Tuesday, 13 February 2024, 5:00 p.m.
Venue: MOME BASE B_004 Designer-Maker Home Space

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