The Way We See It – MOME students were involved in an interdisciplinary built environment education project

Date: 2023.07.30
MOME Art and Design Management and Architecture students, as well as Design and Visual Art Teacher students from MOME and ELTE all participated in a course exploring the subjects of built environment education and participatory design. The architects also received a practical participatory design assignment involving high school students, namely to design a new community space in the courtyard of the Szilágyi Erzsébet High School in district 1.

The Way We See It initiative launched by kultúrAktív Association takes the basic premise of environmental psychology as its starting point – the interaction between man and nature. This was also the focus of the project, in particular as it relates to the upcoming generations, that took the form of a semester course. 

The course involved three groups: Art and Design Management, Visual Art Teacher, and Architecture students. While the theoretical studies students looked into the theoretical and practical background of their relationship to their own environment through individual assignments, MOME Architecture students explored and developed the designs for the project idea of Térműhely. The basic concept is a reflection on the route between a public space, public park, home, and school, with a small spatial intervention. Adapting the concept to local needs, in collaboration with the form teacher of the 11A class of Szilágyi Erzsébet High School, they started addressing the issue of the unused and neglected courtyard of the school as part of a school lesson. 

The process was presented by Regina Mihály in detail in her article for Architects’ Forum at : 

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