Renowned cultural diplomacy expert joins MOME Foundation’s Board of Trustees

Date: 2024.09.03
The Foundation for Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design has appointed former President of the UNESCO General Conference and member of the World Academy of Art and Science Katalin Bogyay to its Board of Trustees.

This decision follows the resignation of former Rector of the university József Fülöp, who stepped down from his position on the board to begin his sabbatical leave. The Foundation unanimously elected Katalin Bogyay, a distinguished cultural diplomat with an exceptional career and an unparalleled network of international connections, to fill the vacant position.  


Katalin Bogyay is a former President of the UNESCO General Conference and a former Chair of the United Nations Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee. She has served as Hungary's UNESCO Ambassador in Paris and later as Hungary’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York. As the founding director of the Hungarian Cultural Centre in London, she spearheaded the “Magic Magyars” season, the most successful foreign event series to date showcasing Hungarian culture.  


“I feel honoured to be part of the dialogue that, in the spirit of László Moholy-Nagy, aims to foster the development of young people and help unlock their talents. For me, there is no nobler mission than preserving and advancing our culture while connecting Hungary’s artistic vision with the world”, Bogyay underlined upon her appointment.  


“With Katalin Bogyay’s appointment, our Foundation, and by extension the MOME community, gains an extraordinary asset. The existing academic and business expertise within our governing body is now complemented by diplomacy skills and an extensive international network. Moreover, Katalin’s arrival adds diversity and representation to our team”, said President of the MOME Foundation Gergely Böszörményi-Nagy.  


The newly appointed trustee of the MOME Foundation is a member of the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS) and the Royal Society of Arts (RSA), an honorary doctor of the University of Glasgow, the founder of the Women4Diplomacy movement, and a founding member of the Women for Hungary Club. She is also a recipient of the Commander’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary.  

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