MOME also featured at the INOTA Festival, one of the most exciting events of the summer
The first INOTA Festival took place between 31 August and 3 September as part of the Veszprém-Balaton 2023 European Capital of Culture programme. It was mostly the unique location – the three iconic cooling towers of the inoperational Inota Thermal Power Plant – that made the event a must-see, though the musical acts were at least as exciting.
In addition to the lineup, the visual effects were a major focus with light installations, mappings and other contemporary visual artworks, including VACUUM II, a spatial installation by former MOME Media Design student Besnyő Dániel created together with two of his fellow artists, the diploma project by Fanni Hegyi who graduated from the Architecture BA in 2020, and FOR.
X NIMOVA PROJECT, an experimental musical project by Ábris Gryllus, who graduated from the Graphic Design MA, and is currently studying at the MOME Doctoral School.
The organisers of the grand event series were supported by graduates of the Art and Design Management MA class of 2023 Ábel Djogni and Apollónia Molnár, and current students of the Art and Design Management MA programme Bianka Faddi and Lilla Turjányi.
More information about the Festival is available at https://inotafestival.hu/