COMPO - Course for a circular construction industry

Date: 2024.05.27
Research suggests that by the time you finish reading this, 15,000 tons of construction waste will have been generated in Europe, 80% of which is not recycled. The COMPO RDI course was launched three years ago at MOME to address this issue, and focuses on a vision of a circular construction industry.

Led by Apol Temesi DLA, the course is part of the Designer-Maker programme and primarily investigates materials that pose an environmental burden in one respect or another. Teachers Bence László Dobos, Gergely Tasnádi, and Apol Temesi work with students to explore the possibilities of circular and zero-waste construction industry by treating construction waste as raw materials in an attempt to develop new composite materials.  Their goal is to direct the attention of designer maker, product design, textile design, and architecture students to the potential of raw material-focused design approaches.  During the autumn semester of 2023/24, participating students worked with bricks, tiles, drywall, ytong, and wood waste.  Students maintained research logs documenting their problem analysis, physical and chemical examination of raw materials, and steps in material combination experiments. This systematic, analytical approach integrates design and scientific perspectives through the agile methodology of DIY development.  

The results of the COMPO course were showcased to the public in May 2024 at the FUGA gallery as part of the exhibition series The Next 50 Years. Curated by GUBAHÁMORI, the exhibition explored the evolving architectural practice in an era of collapsing climates, transforming societies, and dwindling resources every two weeks over a period of one year. It featured various stages of concepts by five MOME students, each working with different materials: Aranka Vas with ytong, Jázmin Zsurbej with wood dust, Borbála Tóth with drywall, Dóra Tarcsi with bricks, and Lilla Sárközi with roof tiles.  

Some of the students interested in the topic also attended the Material District event in March, sponsored by a grant of the Design Competence Centre. This event is the leading platform in Europe showcasing innovative material research, providing opportunities for partnerships in material innovation.         

☞ A recording of the FUGA exhibition midissage is available on You Tube at 

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