Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design

Fashion Show

Fashion Show history
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Each year, the MOME Textile Design programme provides the Hungarian fashion scene with the latest generation of talents, whose concepts are presented to the world in a grand fashion show and exhibition in line with the best practices of major international fashion schools.

After the tremendous success of last year’s event, the MOME Fashion Show returns this year, giving graduating students an opportunity to show off their work to professional partners of the university,

fashion industry professionals, members of the fashion press, and diplomatic service guests, in addition to the general public.

Student projects

Modular shoes are an experimental solution to address the widespread use of shoes that are impossible or difficult to recycle.

The theme of my masterwork collection is maternity clothing.

My masterwork is a woven textile collection that can be used in the entire interior of a house.

In my masterwork, I dealt with unprocessed transgenerational trauma, the phenomenon in which the effects of traumatization occur in people who have not themselves experienced the event but have somehow inherited the unprocessed traumas of their ancestors.

In my masterwork I deal with Folk Art as a transgenerational heritage.

Professional leads


Head of MA programme, master instructor

assistant lecturer

Fashion Show history

MOME’s Textile Design programme and its predecessor have been training outstanding professionals for nearly 110 years, many of whom receive international accolades even while at university and go on to become sought-after designers. Our alumni include acclaimed textile and fashion industry professionals such as Noémi Ferenczy, Barbara Léber, Bori Tóth, Anikó Manier Németh, Dóra Konsánszky, Réka Vágó, Emília Anda, András Tóth, Attila Godena-Juhász and Eszter Füzes, Dalma Dévényi, Tibor Kiss and the list goes on. After graduation, students join major global labels including Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Chloé, Balenciaga, Vetements, Acne Studios, Proenza Schooler, Marc Cain, Adidas, Nike, Burton or North Face, as well as Hungarian fashion brands such as Nanushka, Aeron, Nubu, Tomcsányi or The Four.


Kiváló fiatal grafikusoknak köszönhetően született meg a MOME Fashion Show egyedi pezsgőjének arculata. A MOME Fashion Show és a kapcsolódó kiállítás minden évben a hazai divatipar és kreatív szakma egyik várva várt eseménye, hiszen itt mutatkozik be a MOME legújabb textiltervezőgenerációja. Az alkalom méltó ünneplésére készítette el a Garamvári Szőlőbirtok az egyetem első saját, limitált szériás pezsgőjét. A MOME Fashion Show élménye így a pezsgős poharakban is egyedi ízzel köszön majd vissza.

What does it mean to be a responsible fashion designer, and what role does education play in this regard? What influences are most apparent in the work of the latest generation of designers? Each year, the Fashion and Textile Design programme at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME) hosts a Fashion Show, showcasing the work of its graduating students and alumni which not only hold aesthetic value but also convey powerful social and cultural messages. This time, the entire visual concept of the show was designed by students, while the alumni community is represented by the latest collection of the THEFOUR brand, which has recently opened their own store.

This year’s Fashion Show, debuting the latest generation of fashion and textile designers of the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME) concluded with resounding success, drawing a full house twice in a row. In keeping with its traditions of and in sync with international fashion week calendars, MOME organised its unusual fashion event and exhibition in the first week of November, once again attracting a great deal of interest. The creations of the young designers this year were inspired by the circularity of life and materials, with a focus on recycled and biodegradable materials.

What characterises the latest works, design approach, and interests of the new designer generation? We asked head of the MOME Fashion and Textile Design MA programme and founder of KELE Clothing Ildikó Kele, as well as our teacher and designer of the TOMCSANYI clothing brand Dóra Tomcsányi about the upcoming MOME Fashion Show.

Deep, sensitive, fresh – In sync with international fashion week calendars, top fashion and textile designer talents will claim the limelight in early October at the two-day traditional MOME Fashion Show on the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME) Campus. The new generation has also been greatly influenced by global developments such as the energy and climate crisis, resulting in a strong focus on sustainability, innovative new materials, diversity, and inclusion in their works.

What inspires the textile and fashion designers of the future? What form and colour schemes does the new designer generation use in their latest works? The fashion show, organised under the direction of head of MOME’s Fashion and Textile Design MA and founder of KELE Clothing Ildikó Kele and our teacher Dóra Tomcsányi, once again gave a glimpse into the creative work at the Fashion and Textile Design MA of Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design.

Együttműködési megállapodást írt alá a Moholy-Nagy Művészeti Egyetem (MOME) és a Nanushka, hogy elindítsák a Conscious Textile Group, azaz a Tudatos Textil Csoport munkáját. A MOME és a Nanushka összefogása a divatipar körforgásos gazdaságra való átállását segíti, célja a gyártás utáni textíliák körforgásos felhasználásának és innovatív módjainak kutatása, új, fenntartható anyagok fejlesztése. 


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