Dr Zsuzsanna Vincze is a lawyer, filmmaker and producer. She is the director of the MOME Film Industry Knowledge Centre and a member of the University Senate. She completed her studies at the Faculty of Law at Eötvös Loránd University and did an MA at the Department of Film Studies at the same institute. She has decades of experience in film and media law, film production, and film communication. She has worked on numerous audiovisual creations, film industry publications and events as a creator, producer, editor and consulting expert.

Dr Zsuzsanna Vincze graduated with honours from the Faculty of Law at Eötvös Loránd University in 2007. She earned her master's degree in Film Studies with distinction from the Faculty of Humanities at Eötvös Loránd University in 2013. From 2004, she worked as a lawyer at the National Radio and Television Board (ORTT), and later in the field of telecommunications law at the National Media and Info-communications Authority (NMHH). From 2014, she served as a lawyer and film industry and communications coordinator at the Media Council's Hungarian Media Patronage Programme.
She contributed as an editor and author to the creation of numerous film industry publications, including the Hungarian Media Patronage Programme catalogues from 2016 to 2019, Motion Picture and Paragraphs (Mozgókép és paragrafus), Animation Overview (Animációs körkép), Hungarian Screenwriters (Magyar forgatókönyvÃrók), Creators of Animation 1 & 2 (Animációs alkotók I–II), Hunimation – Hungarian Animation Goes Global, Knowledge in Motion, and Film Festival Survey (Filmfesziválkörkép). Her latest volume was published in 2023 under the title Contract Types in Film Production (SzerzÅ‘déstÃpusok a filmgyártásban).
She has been working as a member of the Rector's Cabinet at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design since 2020. She produced the 2020 Moholy-Nagy 125th anniversary campaign and several animated short films. She also coordinates the production of MOME Animation diploma films. She has been a member of the MOME Senate since 2022, and became the director of the newly established MOME Film Industry Knowledge Centre in 2023.