Tamás Berky teaches subjects on self-awareness and mental health, connected to his degrees in psychology and psychology teaching. He mainly teaches students on teaching programmes. He has nearly two decades of academic experience. He started working as an external lecturer, then later as a senior lecturer and masters’ instructor. He has been involved in the work of various programmes. He has worked for many years as an instructor, thesis supervisor and member of the entrance exam and thesis committee, facilitating the work of the Design Management Programme and the Design Institute. He has also been active, in both Hungarian and English, in the work of the Art and Cultural Management Programme, the Education Through Art Programme and the Erasmus programme.

He holds two degrees in economics from Budapest Business School. He worked as a district manager at Opel Hungary before earning his MA degrees in psychology and psychology teaching. He subsequently earned the post graduate degree of Clinical and Mental Health Psychologist at the University of Pécs.
He was chair of the Hungarian Psychological Society Communications Committee between 2011 and 2015. For his scientific and professional work he was also granted a European Psychologist Certification by the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations.
Over the course of his training, he has worked and completed practical training at the Semmelweis University’s Institute of Behavioural Sciences, Psychosomatic Clinic, as well as at the Tündérhegy Psychotherapy Department and at the Thalassa House.
He has been teaching since 2003. After lecturing at Budapest Business School, he spent six years teaching at Corvinus University of Budapest, Institute of Behavioural Sciences. He has been teaching psychology courses since 2004 on the MOME Design and Visual Arts Teacher programme.
In addition to his academic activities, he has also been maintaining a private practice as a psychologist since 2004.
Main presentations, publications and translations:
T. Berky (2015): “Cyberbullying and ways to prevent it”. Hungarian Psychological Society XXIV. National Scientific Assembly. EKF. Eger. 28-30 May 2015 Excerpt: p. 20
A. Illés, T. Berky (2014): “Science teacher and art teacher”. “Science teachers - Scientists that teach”. Conference on Qualitative Teacher Training. ELTE BTK. Budapest. 10-11 November 2014
T. Berky (2011): Communication of the Hungarian Psychological Association. MPT Summer University ELTE PPK Psychological Institute. Budapest. 9 September 2011
T. Berky (2008): “Considerations for choosing a psychologist”. Budapest Psychologist Days (Pszinapszis). Budapest. 18-20 April 2008 Excerpt: p. 81
T. Berky (2007): When and how to choose a psychologist? Corvinus University of Budapest, Pszihome lecture series. Budapest. 13 November 2007
Translation: Carver, Charles S. – Scheier, Michael F. (2006): Perspectives on Personality, Osiris Publishing House, Budapest, Chapter 17
T. Berky (2006): “Psychotherapeutic Treatment of Anxiety Disorders”. Thesis. University of Pécs, Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Psychology. Clinical and mental health adult psychologist training
Translation: Annamária, V. Komlósi, János Nagy (Ed.)(2003): “Self-theories”. “Personality and health”. ELTE Eötvös Publishing House, Budapest, 3, Chapter 14
Z. Vass, T. Berky (2002): “Artificial Intelligence in Psychodiagnostics”. Biannual Assembly of the Hungarian Psychological Association. Szeged. 29 May – 2 June 2002 Excerpt: p. 56
T. Berky (2002): “Drawing analysis in counselling”. ESPD: Validity assessment of expert system 2002. Thesis. ELTE Faculty of Humanities Institute of Psychology. Budapest
Informational writings:
Editor of the Hungarian Psychological Association’s portal Psychology Online 2005-2015.
Approximately 70 informative articles and interviews (e.g. HVG Psychology Magazine, Nők Lapja Psziché, ELLE Magazine, Marie Claire Magazine, Világgazdaság, Kossuth Radio, Index, H.O.M.E. Magazine, Hungarian Television etc.)