Rita Kissné Budai PhD
assistant professor
Institute for Theoretical Studies
Art and Design Theory BA
assistant professor
Cultural Management
assistant professor
Museum Management
assistant professor

Rita teaches art history. She covers almost every period, and she also teaches methodological subjects at several higher education institutions. She finds the vibrant professional atmosphere of the university and her conversations with students inspiring.

Fields of education
art history
Fields of research
19th and 20th century art


Rita earned her degree as an art historian and her doctoral degree at the ELTE Faculty of Humanities, spending a year between the two programmes at the Sorbonne in Paris. Her field of research is 19th and 20th century painting as well as French-Hungarian artistic relations. Source research is also particularly dear to her. In 2011, she co-published the complete known correspondence of Károly Ferenczy.

She regularly speaks at openings of exhibitions of contemporary art. Rita has participated in the work of the board of trustees of the Ferenczy Family Artistic Foundation.

Her YouTube channel, on which she analyses paintings, is meant primarily as an educational tool, but Rita also hopes it can serve as a guide to the general public seeking to immerse themselves in art. 


Awards, recognition

Lajos Fülep Prize


Member of the European
Network of
Higher Education Institutions
9 Zugligeti St,
Budapest, 1121