Kálmán Tarr
external lecturer
Design Institute
external lecturer
Designer Maker BA
external lecturer

Kálmán Tarr is a lecturer at MOME, where he got his BA and MA degrees in media design. He is currently studying multimedia arts at MOME Doctoral School.

Fields of education
human-computer interfaces
Fields of research
development environments for artists and designers


He presented at the 6th Disability Studies Conference Budapest, the Making Futures Conference organised by Arts University Plymouth, and the Technicity Conference hosted by MOME, to name but a few. He was awarded the EU’s Social Challenges Innovation grant jointly with Makerspace. His project was shown at the Both Ways exhibition of Trieste Contemporanea, as well as the Hungary Live Festival in New York City. 
2019 – Doctoral Agora: From Design to Art - MOME Budapest
2019 – Making Futures Conference - Arts University Plymouth, United Kingdom
2019 – Creative Code Budapest Meetup 
2019 – Leave Space for Technology Conference - Millenáris Park, Budapest 
2018 – 6th Disability Studies Conference - ELTE Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Needs Education, Budapest
2017 – smART! MOME TechLab - Trafó, Budapest

2022 – Stage of Impossibilities video - Hungary Live Festival: Best of MOME, New York City 
2020 – Stage of Impossibilities video - Both Ways group exhibition, Trieste Contemporanea 
2019 – installation - Setup group exhibition, MAMŰ Gallery, Budapest
2019 – Yau Ma Tei documentary - group exhibition, Hybridart Space, Hong Kong
2018 – interactive puppeteering machine- Storied Puppets - Puppet Stories exhibition, Petőfi Museum of Literature, Budapest 
2018 – installation - exhibition by the new members of the Studio of Young Artists’ Association, Stúdió Gallery, Budapest
2015 – installation - RUDEbot, International Symposium on Electronic Art, Vancouver 
2015 – architectural mapping - ICC Tower, Hong Kong 
2014 – interactive installation - Light, Body, Image group exhibition, A38 Budapest


Hungarian interview in Hype&Hyper Magazine

Member of the European
Network of
Higher Education Institutions
9 Zugligeti St,
Budapest, 1121