Gábor has been teaching at MOME since 2004, and has been involved in the Art and Design Management MA programme since its launch. For his favourite subject, he takes students to visit various locations such as galleries, design studios and creative industry institutions to gain a better understanding of their workings by engaging in conversations with their heads as well as collective thinking.

Gábor discovered his field of interest – researching the workings of museums, exhibitions and the contemporary art market – by combining his background in humanities and economy around twenty-five years ago, and published books on several areas of this field, such as Museumania. European Models for Generating Cultural Experience (2016). Currently, he is doing research, authoring publications and organising exhibitions on the subject of photo/art collecting. He has spent long stretches in German and English-speaking countries, and continues to draw on the experiences his scholarships in Cologne, New York and Sydney provided for fresh stimulus. The diversity of his background is illustrated by his latest book published in English language National Museums and Civic Patrons: Practices of Cultural Accumulation in Central and Eastern Europe (2020).