Fanni Csernátony DLA
Head of Service Design, assistant professor, studio lead
Service Design
Head of Service Design
Product Design BA
assistant professor
Jewellery and Metal Design MA
assistant professor
Design MA in English
assistant professor
studio lead

She graduated in design and currently works as a service designer. At MOME, she teaches, researches and develops design methodologies. Her doctoral research focuses on ways of facilitating the involvement of people affected in the planning process.

Fields of education
research and design methodology
design thinking
service design
Fields of research
participatory design


She was admitted to the MOME Product Design department in 2008.

Since 2011, she has been holding workshops on design that focus on interdisciplinary teamwork and creativity. 

In 2013, she started teaching at MOME and working for Cellux Group as a designer and trainer. 

Since 2014, she has been researching participatory design methodologies at MOME Doctoral School.

Since 2016, she has been a teacher and leader in the MOME OPEN Design Thinking and Service Design Basic courses. And since 2019 she has been a teacher and leader of the CO-CREATE Design Thinking Facilitator course. 

Since 2017, she has been working as a coach as part of Climate-KIC programmes supporting green start-ups.

In 2018, she participated as a researcher and trainer in MOME’s project titled Design Thinking in Public Education (EFOP 3.2.6.).

She loves teaching, which takes up most of her time, but she is also regularly involved in product and service design projects as a designer, facilitator or consultant.

Member of the European
Network of
Higher Education Institutions
9 Zugligeti St,
Budapest, 1121