Dániel Ruppert
Product Design BA
Design MA in English

A designer and brand strategist with market experience. He mainly teaches mobility design. He also leads and does the art direction for vehicle development projects and coordinates the work of the Mobility Design Lab.

Fields of education
mobility design
Fields of research


He is a Red-dot award-winning designer and former MOME student. In addition to teaching, he has his own market-design business. During his studies he gained experience in the Mercedes-Benz and EvoBus design studios. Later, he designed complex systems (design-ux-ui) as part of a team at a transport management company. He is currently working on complex, strategy-driven development projects at the Ustory studio complex.

"Outstanding design arises from a value-based strategy with no frills."

Professional works

Awards, recognition

Red-Dot Product Design Award, 2022

Member of the European
Network of
Higher Education Institutions
9 Zugligeti St,
Budapest, 1121