Antal Bodóczky
assistant professor
Media Design BA
assistant professor
Media Design MA
assistant professor

Antal Bodóczky graduated from the video department at MOME (formerly the Hungarian University of Arts and Design) in 2000 with a degree in visual communication design. He started teaching at the Department of Media Design in 2000, first as an assistant lecturer, then as an assistant professor. As a media designer, he works in the fields of event and theatre visual design, music video direction, image design, exhibition installation design and construction, playground design and exhibition experience design.

Fields of education
media design
Fields of research
exhibition experience designer
visual design
kinetic installation design
music video design


Bodóczky Antal
Born: 2 February 1975

Professions: media designer, senior lecturer

Degree in visual communication design (Hungarian University of Applied Arts)
MOME Doctoral School

2000 - Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Media Institute, Media Design Department - assistant professor 
2000-2008 – Pool Group 
2000 - Freelance media designer, visual designer and exhibition experience designer

Shows and installations: 
2023 - Hungarian Bride, exhibition on the history of the wedding dress, Hungarian National Museum
2023 – The Budapest that never was, an exhibition designed for the Museum of Architecture, Vigadó
2022 - Veszprém Dungeon exhibition, installation concepts, visual designs and visitor experience
2022 – Stefan Lengyel Scholarship of Excellence, design of an exhibition installation system
2021 – II. Rákóczi Ferenc thematic playground, Borsi, concepts and visual designs
2020-2021 - Borsi Rákóczi Castle, concept, visual design and visitor experience for the permanent exhibition commissioned by the Teleki Foundation
2019 - Hungarian House of Music, They wrote the song for us! temporary exhibition, installation concepts, visual designs and visitor experience
2018 - Hungarian House of Music, design, installation concepts, visual designs and visitor experience for the permanent exhibition
2017 - Tóth Ilonka Memorial House, spatial organization, visuals, installations, Municipality of District XVI, Állás Street
2017 - Danube Clock, sculpture installation, Duna Aréna

2016 - Csontváry exhibition space ideas competition, awarded for high-profile purchase
2016 - Reformation 500 design competition, special prize
2015 - Inverted Room installation with Artus Studio in Venice, finalist of the Arte Laguna Prize
2014 - Milan Expo building design concept competition, special prize

Professional works

experience designer for the permanent exhibition

Awards, recognition

Csontváry exhibition space ideas competition 2016

awarded for high-profile purchase

Reformation 500 design competition 2016

special prize

Inverted Room installation with Artus Studio in Venice 2015

finalist of the Arte Laguna Prize

Member of the European
Network of
Higher Education Institutions
9 Zugligeti St,
Budapest, 1121