Angéla Góg DLA
Head of MA programme, assistant professor, supervisor
Designer-Maker MA
Head of MA programme
Designer-Maker MA
assistant professor
Designer-Maker MA in English
Head of MA programme
Designer-Maker MA in English
assistant professor
Doctoral School

Angéla started her academic career nearly 20 years ago. She started studying for a BA in metalwork, but eventually graduated as a designer. After she graduated, she took an active role in education as an instructor on the first-year design solfege programme. During her years at the Doctoral School, she became one of the design lecturers in the Object Design faculty. She is currently putting her almost 10 years of teaching experience to good use in the development and management of the MA in Object Design programme, which is set to launch this year.

Fields of education
object design
food design
Fields of research
meals and remembrance
food culture
thematic meals


Angéla's career and successes are closely associated with the University. Her innovative thesis, which led to food design becoming a special area of research at the University, was awarded the Rector's Prize in 2015. Her thesis, "The Confectionery of Memories", gained her national recognition, and was followed by several research projects involving large groups of people. 
She continued her projects as a fellow at the Doctoral School, where she further deepened her knowledge on the relationship between memory and food between 2015-2020. As a researcher, she has twice been awarded the National Excellence Programme grant, which has helped her fund her work and exhibitions. During her two year-long scholarships, she created her pilot projects "Sunday Lunch" (2017) and "Memories of the Future" (2018), exploring food memories and stories. She uses her own specific methodology, which she has perfected over the years. 
She is active as an artist and has held annual solo exhibitions for nearly 10 years. These showcase her current research and other projects. 
In her doctoral dissertation, she summarised her experiments and experiences as well as the results of the projects she had worked on. Title of the dissertation she defended in 2020: “The taste of memory. An examination of flavour-memories in the context of their recall and preservability”. During her doctoral studies, she studied the food of the future: In the "Table of the Future" project, she researched the flavours our future might have in store for us. 
In addition to her studies, in 2020, she also participated in the Moholy Scholarship Programme, in which she started her research on Hungarian dry pasta.
She has been teaching at the University since 2015, passing on her methodology to the next generation.
In 2023 she took on the leadership of the MA in Object Design programme, working with her colleagues on a new structure for the course.
In addition to her academic career, she also applies her individual design approach to independent, commissioned and applied work. She is currently the Art Director at ONYX restaurant, where she is one of the leaders of the creative team as a food designer and object designer.

Awards, recognition

Moholy-Nagy Award 2020

New National Excellence Programme 2016

Rector's Award, MOME 2015

Member of the European
Network of
Higher Education Institutions
9 Zugligeti St,
Budapest, 1121