Andrea Schmidt has been teaching at MOME since 2008. Based in the Academic Office, she is the Head of Education Organisation at the university, as well as one of the creators and instructors of the Business to Design programme. She also operates as a methodological expert for numerous education development programmes.

A sociologist and economist, she has been teaching in various educational settings for nearly 30 years. She was a research fellow at the Institute for Sociology in the Centre for Social Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences for over 20 years. She has taught at several higher education institutions, adult education centres, and advanced study colleges. For decades, she has been involved in nurturing talent, educational development, and supporting marginalised social groups. As a researcher, her main focus is on examining various segments and actors within education, generating educational development situations, and conducting research on disadvantaged social groups. She has been involved in teaching economic and business development subjects at MOME for 15 years, and has participated in the management and development of the MOME+ university mentor programme.
Throughout her work, she has provided teaching, mentoring, and professional support at the emergence of numerous successful Hungarian and international design ventures. She was the technical lead of the “Facilitating the Development of Student Skills in the Public Education System” project, which included an initiative to introduce design thinking into public education.
She is currently the Head of Education Organisation at the university, as well as one of the creators of, and lecturers on the Business to Design programme. She also operates as a methodological expert for numerous educational development programmes.