Andrea Pallag DLA
assistant professor
Design and Visual Arts Teacher MA
assistant professor

She graduated from MOME as a textile designer and an art and environmental culture high school teacher. She works as a researcher-developer in the field of visual education, and also teaches visual education methodology on MOME’s teacher training programme.

Fields of education
teacher training
Fields of research
visual education


She has participated in several development projects supported by systemic research efforts in the field of visual education. Since her main areas of research are curriculum theory and pedagogical evaluation, she helped develop the regulation on the Hungarian curriculum and secondary school final examinations. In the field of public education, in order to modernise art education and the subject of visual culture, she develops pedagogical programmes, methodologies and related teacher training courses and professional cooperations. She regularly publishes her research and development work and presents it at conferences. On MOME’s teacher training programme she focuses on the methodological approach to visual education and she is also responsible for mentoring teaching practice in public schools.

Awards, recognition

Apáczai Csere János Award


Publication title
Practice – reflection – innovation: Participatory development of education and training programmes (in Hungarian)


Educational programme for developing problem-solving through design

Member of the European
Network of
Higher Education Institutions
9 Zugligeti St,
Budapest, 1121