In 2003, he graduated from Pázmány Péter Catholic University with a degree in Art History and Communication. After graduating, he started working on his research on the history of 20th century applied art and design in Hungary at the ELTE doctoral school. He defended his doctoral dissertation in 2012. He has also lived in Ireland and France. Later, he started studying graphic design, which he interrupted to obtain his MA in 2018. He has regularly had articles published in national daily and weekly newspapers. He is also the author of several books on design history. In 2022, he was the chief curator of Common Space - II, National Salon of Industry and Design at the Hungarian Kunsthalle. He also curated the Bohus-Lugossy Foundation's Glass Art NOW exhibition series, which so far has been showcased in Belgrade and Venice. He has been involved in the organisation of the Zsennye Design Workshop on several occasions, and he wrote a book about the story of the workshop.