Ágoston Nagy, who is an artist, currently teaches creative technology on the MOME interaction design programme. A former researcher at Kitchen Budapest Media Lab and Prezi the software company, he regularly hosts international workshops about using open source technologies. His projects have been featured at events hosted by MIT, ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, and MUTEK Montréal, to name but a few. His main areas of research include generative art, cognitive computing, data visualisation and sonification, as well as the cultural impact of decentralised networks.

Ágoston is a member of the art group Binaura, with whom he has created algorithmic art installations, creative coding workshops, and open source software since the early 2000s. His work has been featured at numerous international exhibitions and symposia, including: ISEA (Vancouver, Canada), Piksel (Bergen, Norway), Audio Art Festival (Krakow, Poland), the Sandarbh Art Residency (Partapur, India), and the events of Art & Artificial Intelligence and ZKM (Karlsruhe, Germany). In Budapest, his installations have been exhibited at the Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Art, the Museum of Fine Arts, MÜPA Palace of Arts, and Trafó House of Contemporary Arts.
In addition to his autonomous and applied art, he used to do research in the Kitchen Budapest Media Lab and the Prezi Delight Media Lab, and served as the research lead of the Immersive Media Lab at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design for two years. His main areas of research include simulating natural processes, data visualisation and sonification, the cultural impact of decentralised networks, and the cognitive aspects of systems based on augmented perception.