Resuscitation game experience designed by MOME Service Design students
The focus of the sprint workshop was cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), an emergency procedure performed when the heart stops beating. Students were asked to design a CPR game experience for mass events, the challenge being to get as many event visitors as possible to learn using the basics of CPR correctly and have the confidence to use it afterwards.
The complex assignment consisted of several parts: first designing how the game location can work optimally for volunteers, and giving visitors an experience so memorable, educational, and delightful that they enjoy taking part in the activities. All that for events with groups of visitors offering short, but exciting experiences.
The 14 students developed the optimal location and process by building quick prototypes and testing their ideas instantly. They used very simple materials and tools for this, learning how to use cardboard boxes for modelling spaces, utilise items in their surroundings, and test digital interfaces easily. Early prototyping, testing, and iteration is a basic principle of service design methodology, which was put to use in a live project, with guidance from the professionals of Laerdal Medical.
Laerdel Medical is a global leader in healthcare education and resuscitation training. Its mission is to leverage immersive technologies and data-centric insights to improve the quality of healthcare and provide further training to healthcare workers in the field of resuscitation.