Manage (it) Yourself celebrated its 10th anniversary at the Design Week
Laura Sütöri graduated in 2018 and presented her business, the Balka collective, launched with Bettina Nemes, offering customised management services to players in the creative and cultural industries.
Júlia Dóra Molnár graduated in 2013 and talked about her experience working at Csendes Dűlő vineyard.
Borbála Marosán discussed her experience around social and environmental sustainability, as well as her involvement in the Social Design research group of the Innovation Center.
After pursuing studies in Economics, Edina Bugár were among the first to graduate with a degree in Art and Design Management in 2012. Currently, she is working on LumoConcept’s communication in addition to developing her own project Brainchild Creative Studio, a musical marketing start-up business.
The short presentations were followed by a roundtable discussion about the management experience gained in various fields, which also included a Q&A session. The event was sponsored by Zichy Wine Estate, and the cake was provided by Chill-Time Dessert.