Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design

For the preservation of Marcell Jankovics' artistic legacy, the realization of an exhibition, and the creation of a cultural history album

The project titled "Preservation of Marcell Jankovics' Artistic Legacy, Exhibition, and Cultural-Historical Album" aims to accomplish two outstanding objectives. These include an exhibition of Marcell Jankovics' works at the Vatican and the simultaneous publication of a representative three-volume cultural-historical album titled Marcell Jankovics: Jelképek és Jelentések a Bibliában I-II-III. Additionally, the publication of the book Marcell Jankovics: Jeles Napok is also planned.

The program focuses on managing the exhibition and publication, encompassing the comprehensive planning of the appearances and addressing all details of the organization and implementation. Méry Ratio Ltd., which holds exclusive rights to publish the volumes, will oversee the editing of the manuscript, graphic design, print preparation, and publication of the works. Furthermore, we will carry out all necessary activities to ensure the professional processing of the legacy and create opportunities for both digital and physical archiving.

By developing a website, we are creating a platform to represent the two projects in the digital world. Our project provides the opportunity for Marcell Jankovics' oeuvre to be presented in a manner that reflects the intellectual and artistic quality befitting his greatness. The project is being realized with the support of the National Cultural Fund.

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