The mission of the three-year project is to strengthen circular, sustainable bioeconomy and sustainable regional development through processes of design thinking, co-creation, (re)training and skills development.
The regional bio-based systems focus on the five major value chains: circular and bio-based textiles (NL), agriculture and agro-food industries (HU), wood and interior (AT), bio-based and sustainable packaging (FI) and blue bioeconomy (IT).
The embedding of art and design in the activities seeks to boost the uptake to strengthen local governance feedback loops and respective governance models, to increase design thinking and co-create formats for training, retraining, mentoring and skills development and transfer fostering understanding and engagement in bio-based systems and to co-create communication and awareness campaigns.
The concept of bioeconomy, especially in Hungary, needs clarification. Literally translated, bioeconomy is a collective term for farmers who use production methods that minimise the use of chemicals. The biomass-based economy, on the other hand, is an economic model that provides products, processes and services to economic sectors through the knowledge-based production and use of biological resources, all within a sustainable economic framework.
A European-wide consortium is composed of institutions from different EU member states. The hubs at the heart of the project build on an already existing bioeconomy networks with different topics, have very strong links to industry, policy makers and associations/networks/initiatives and are well connected with other bioeconomy projects and networks. They are teamed up with highly skilled and experienced partners with research expertise either in the field of co-creation and engagement, or training and skill development, art and social science.
Rita Szerencsés
Enikő Jarmaczky
Melinda Doktor
Katalin Vasali
1 Centre for Social Innovation GmbH (ZSI), Austria
2 Wageningen Research (WR), The Netherlands
3 Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea (APRE), Italy
4 Bay Zoltan Nonprofit Ltd for Applied Research (BZN), Hungary
5 European Association for Education of Adults (EAEA), Belgium
EAEA Associate Partners: 6) Verband Österreichischer Volkshochschulen (VOEV), Austria; 7) Nevelők Háza Egyesület (NHE), Hungary; 8) Learn for Life (LfL), The Netherlands;
9 Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME)
10 ArtEZ University of the Arts (ArtEZ), The Netherlands
11 CLIC Innovation Oy (CLIC), Finland
12 Business Upper Austria Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH (TMG), Austria
13 Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (MET), Finland
14 University of Palermo (UNIPA), Italy
Associated partners:
15 Uudenmaan Liitto - Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council (HURC), Finland
16 Distretto della pesca e crescita BLU (COSVAP), Italy
17 Consorzio Universitario della Provincia di Trapani (CUPT), Italy
18 Creative.Region Linz & Upper Austria GmbH (CREARE), Austria
19 Holzcluster Steiermark GmbH (HCS), Austria
20 Groene Metropoolregio Arnhem-Nijmegen (GMR), The Netherlands
21 Bavarian Research Alliance GMBH (BayFOR), Germany