Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design
Future Potentials
Introducing the Future Potentials Project - a project dedicated to investigating, analysing and presenting the future potentials of social entities.
The three pillars of the project are:
(1) the development of the Future Potentials Index (FPI),
(2) the future potentials of organizations and
(3) the future potentials of families.
(2) the future potentials of organizations and
(3) the future potentials of families.
Future Potential Organizations Part 2: Leadership & Organizational Development Concerns
Zoltán Krajcsák – Gyula Bakacsi – Imre Környei – Tamás Benedek Szilágyi
Future Potential Organizations Part 1: Change Management
Zoltán Krajcsák – Gyula Bakacsi – Imre Környei – Tamás Benedek Szilágyi
Szijártó M. István: A történelem diskurzusa. Bevezetés a 20. századi történetírás történetébe és elméletébe
Zoltán Ábrahám
Journal: Korall
Personhood in the digital realm
Zoltán Ábrahám
Journal: Journal of Digital Social Reasearch
Keywords: Concept of a person, Gutenberg Galaxy, Hubert Dreyfus, Margaret Archer, philosophy of AI, social realism, virtuality
Jövőképességi index
Petra Aczél
Conference: Európa-Tanulmányok Hálózat Konferencia
Organiser: Európa-Tanulmányok Hálózat
How to measure the future potentials of the OECD countries?
Zoltán Oszkár Szántó – János Csák – Petra Aczél – Péter Szabadhegy
Az esztétikai ítéletektől az emberi jogokig
Zoltán Ábrahám
Conference: Kant és az esztétikai fordulat - A Debreceni Egyetem Filozófia Intézet és az MTA DAB Filozófiai Munkabizottság konferenciája
Organiser: Debreceni Egyetem
A jövőképes szervezet
Gyula Bakacsi - Zoltán Krajcsák
Conference: III. Leadership - Vezetéstudomány interdiszciplináris megközelítésben nemzetközi konferencia
Mapping the New Nordic Region's Start-Up Enterprises from the Perspective of Leadership Characteristics, Mindset, and Skills
Lili Érmezei
Socio-economic Potentials of the OECD Countries – The Future Potential Index and its Implications
Péter Szabadhegy
How to build future potential organizations?
Gyula Bakacsi - Zoltán Krajcsák
Mapping the New Nordic Region's Start-Up Enterprises from the Perspective of Leadership Characteristics, Mindset, and Skills: The Relevance of Soft Skills in Shaping Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
Lili Érmezei
Other FPO Projects
Introducing the Digital Futures Project, a project which seeks to analyse and evaluate global measurement systems with special regards to aspects of future potentials.
Introducing the Design Futures Project, an initiative that aims to dispel misconceptions related to design, map intersections between digital culture and design, analyse micro- and macrotrends in visual culture, and investigate the future of material wellbeing.
Introducing the Geopolitical Frontiers Project - a comprehensive initiative that explores the historical, cultural, and political frontiers in an East-West context.
Introducing the Innovation Horizons Project – a comprehensive initiative that explores innovation horizons in an East-West context.