The Foundation
Board of Trustees
President of the Board of Trustees
Entrepreneur and community builder. Head of the Design Terminal innovation agency and founder of the Brain Bar Future Festival. He completed his university studies at Corvinus University, CEU, Stanford Business School, and the London School of Economics. He was awarded the Hungarian Gold Cross of Merit in 2020 for his contributions to the development of Hungary's innovation ecosystem.

Katalin Bogyay
Member of the Board of Trustees
Diplomat and journalist. A former President of the UNESCO General Conference and a former Chair of the United Nations Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee. She served as Hungary's UNESCO Ambassador in Paris and later as Hungary’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York. She is a member of the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS) and the Royal Society of Arts (RSA) and a lecturer at the Hungarian Diplomatic Academy. She is the founder of the Women4Diplomacy movement and a recipient of the Commander’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary.

Gábor Kopek
Member of the Board of Trustees
Photographer, media artist and university professor. Former rector of the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, founder of the university-level photography and video art programme, and visiting professor at various European universities. Initiator, programme leader, and head of the new MOME Campus programme.

Sándor Scheer
Member of the Board of Trustees
Businessman. Co-founder and CEO of Market Építő, owner of the Unione Group real estate development company and Hotel Clark in Budapest. As sole developmental licensee for McDonald’s in Hungary, he develops and operates all McDonald’s restaurants in the country. He obtained his engineering degree from Széchenyi István University of Applied Sciences.

Szabolcs Szemerey
Member of the Board of Trustees
Entrepreneur and university lecturer. In addition to leading his own agribusinesses, he is an expert in educational technology, materials technology, and supply chain management at John von Neumann University. He completed his studies at Szent István University.
Supervisory Board
Tamás Fellegi
Supervisory Board member
Lawyer, political scientist, businessman, former Minister for National Development.
György Grüner
Supervisory Board member
Physicist, professor at UCLA, external member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Guggenheim Prize winner, art collector.
Márk Jávor
Supervisory Board member
He graduated as a lawyer from Eötvös Loránd University and after three years as a trainee lawyer, he passed the bar exam. He has been working as a lawyer for more than ten years, during which time he has provided full legal representation to several foundations.
Advisory Board

András Szántó
Chairman of the Advisory Board
New York-based writer, researcher, cultural and media consultant. As a strategist, he has worked with institutions and brands such as Stanford University, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Art Basel, the Museum of Fine Arts, Rolls-Royce and BMW, and his writing has been published in The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. He has family and institutional ties to the Moholy-Nagy family. He supported the strategic branding process of MOME 2020-2021 and was actively involved in the preparation of the Brand Book.

Aric Chen
International Advisor
Artistic Director of Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam, formerly Professor at the Faculty of Design and Innovation, Tongji University, Shanghai, and curator of Design Miami. Born and raised in the United States, he lives in the Netherlands. Chen was the first Senior Curator of Design and Architecture and then Curator of At Large at M+ in Hong Kong. As a curator, he has curated numerous exhibitions worldwide, including X is Not a Small Country: Unraveling the Post-Global Era in Lisbon, State of Extremes at the Holoni Design Museum in Israel, and Third Square Third Square at the Oita Art Museum in Japan.

Györgyi Gálik
International Advisor
The City Transition Co-Lead at Dark Matter Labs aiming to create institutions, instruments and infrastructures for a more equitable, caring and sustainable future. The former Head of Strategic Partnerships at the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose and a former Lead Advisor and the Head of Social Innovation at Design Council. She worked in organisations ranging from small start-ups and individual communities to multi-national, large corporations, and national and local governments. She holds a PhD from the Royal College of Art in Innovation Design Engineering and two Masters Degrees from MOME. She was also a visiting fellow at New York University and teaches at the graduate and executive levels in multiple leading universities in the US and Europe.

Zuzanna Skalska
International Advisor
Zuzanna Skalska inspires leaders and decision-makers to pivot their perspective on long term vision by cross-fertilization of concepts, ideas and solutions from diverse industries. She is specialized in research and analysis of strategic SignalS of Change for business. She is an owner of 360Inspiration and a managing partner of the FutureS Thinking Group. She works closely with CEO ́s, decision makers and R&D directors on possible future(s) development. She lectures at many universities around the world. She is co-founder of the School of Form (SWPS).

Ulrich Weinberg
International Advisor
Since 2007, he has been the director of the Hasso-Plattner Institute School of Design Thinking (an affiliate of Stanford, an expert in computer animation and games, and has taught at the Film University Potsdam and as a visiting professor at the Chinese University of Communication in Beijing. He was named one of the 100 best innovators in Germany by the German business magazine Handelsblatt. He is a board member of the DGQ German Quality Society, co-founder of the WeQ-Foundation and founding chairman of the GDTA Global Design Thinking Alliance. He advises SAP, Janssen, Volkswagen and Bosch on digital transformation projects, among others.
Key initiatives of the foundation
University of the Future workshop
At the request of our Foundation, MOME has established the University of the Future interdisciplinary professional workshop, designed to develop the educational model of the future. Our goal is to create a new, future-proof, and flexible training framework that can address the challenges of the 21st century and meet the needs of generations to come. The work started in 2022 will continue for several years, involving a comprehensive redesign of the study programmes, the curriculum, and the training methodologies.
This is the highest financial support available at our university, initiated and funded by the Foundation and named after an outstanding former MOME professor, who established the partnership between MOME and Mercedes-Benz. Each semester, students nominate one another for the Stefan Lengyel Scholarship of Excellence, fostering a culture of recognition, while our teachers and professional partners select the winners together.
A MOME történetének első, átfogó ösztöndíjprogramja kifejezetten hátrányos helyzetű, Budapesttől távol élő tehetségek felkutatására és felkarolására. A program évente legalább 25 hátrányos helyzetű középiskolást készít fel a sikeres egyetemi felvételire, ide értve a mentálhigiénés felkészítést és saját kreatív portfóliójuk összeállítását is.
Global Voices at MOME
A key objective of our Foundation is to increase international awareness around and the recognition of MOME. To help them expand their professional knowledge and personal contact network across borders, our "Global Voices at MOME" programme provides the citizens of our university with an opportunity to continuously recommend guest speakers from abroad who are important to us.
The aim of this initiative is to make MOME Hungary’s first carbon neutral university by 2030. As part of our efforts, we will significantly enhance the energy efficiency of our campus by increasing the proportion of renewable energy used, eliminate food waste and introduce paperless administration. We are planning to offset our residual emissions by planting trees across Hungary.
Our Foundation has established the Future Potentials Observatory Nonprofit LLC in January 2023. Its misson is to investigate, analyse and present the future potentials of social entities (such as family, organization, country), geopolitical frontiers, innovation and design horizons – all in an EAST-WEST context.
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