TRICK - Group exhibition
Nothing is what it appears to be. And that’s when something appears to be anything in the first place. But what is a trick? Chicanery, subterfuge, finesse, and mystery.
A snare of acts and contradictions, where the only way out is solving the riddle. A trick, however, is not always innocent. The world of pleasant optical illusions may conceal traps and disappointments. The photos of the exhibiting MOME Photography BA students all share a quality of mysteriousness – some represent the tricks themselves, while some document or expose them.
Venue: Nyolcésfél
Date: 13–28 July 2023
Jancsó Dániel Varga
Tamás Cseke
Mátyás Czeglédi
Zoi Dontasz
Lili Benes
Márk Szabó
Marcel Kürtösi
Participating exhibitors are MOME Photography BA students.
Nóra Gábriel
Levente Tanai
Graphic design:
Levente Juhász
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