FPO TALKS 2023 - The Triumph of Broken Promises: The End of the Cold War and the Global Origins of Hungary’s 1989

Assistant Professor at Texas A&M University Dr. Fritz Bartel will give a lecture entitled The Triumph of Broken Promises: The End of the Cold War and the Global Origins of Hungary’s 1989. Bartel’s research interests lie in US foreign relations, the global Cold War, grand strategy, and the history of capitalism.

His book The Triumph of Broken Promises: The End of the Cold War and the Rise of Neoliberalism published with Harvard University Press in 2022 explore how the economic blows of the 70s could help end the cold war and the rise of neoliberalism. The event forms part of the FPO TALKS 2023 talk series organised by the Future Potentials Observatory.   
Registration: https://www.addevent.com/event/Oe16971459 

09:30 - 10:30

Event information

Date: 8th of May, 9.30-10.15
Venue: MOME UP, U_217

The event will be held in English.

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