Doctoral defence of textile designer and visual and environmental culture teacher Valéria Póczos

MOME’s Doctoral School warmly invites everyone to the doctoral defence of textile designer and visual and environmental culture teacher Valéria Póczos.

MOME’s Doctoral School warmly invites everyone to the doctoral defence of textile designer and visual and environmental culture teacher Valéria Póczos. Her dissertation is titled Design Culture in Public Education. Examinig the Design Competency Framework. Supervisor: associate professor Bényei Judit PhD;  Chair of the defence committee: associate professor Anikó Illés PhD (MOME);  Members of the defence committee: senior lecturer Ákos Schneider PhD (MOME) and university professor József Slézia PhD (METU). Opponents: associate professor Ákos Lipóczki DLA (MOME) and associate professor Gabriella Pataky PhD (ELTE, Faculty of Primary and Preschool Education, Head of the Department of Visual Education) 

14:00 - 17:00

Event information

Date and time: 28 February 2025, 2:00 p.m.
Venue: MOME Auditorium (H-1121 Budapest, Zugligeti út 9-25)

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