Career Paths – Manage [It] Yourself is also included among the events of the Budapest Design Week

The next instalment of the thematic event series organised by students of the MOME Art and Design Management MA will take place as part of the Design Week, celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, and will include students graduated in the past decade sharing their experiences.

The Manage [it] Yourself professional roundtable discussion on the collaboration between artists and managers, and on self-management is organised for the 10th year in a row by the Art and Design Management programme. The name is a reference to a currently common phenomenon in the arts scene: Hungarian designers who have so far been managing themselves increasingly want to hire a specialist to help them with well-organised and funded operation. 

The session on Thursday, 5 October will feature retrospective presentations with the theme “Career Paths” by former Art and Design Management students who graduated in the last decade. The short presentations describing the students’ professional experience in art and design management through individual projects will be followed by Q&A sessions. 

Event information

Date: 5/10/2023, 3 p.m.-6 p.m.
Venue: MOME Gondűző

This event will be held in Hungarian.

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