Atmospheres and Architectonics Conference

This conference promotes expert dialogue to enhance understanding and use of architectural and spatial atmospheres in both material and digital realms.

This conference ambitions to call on a dialogue between outstanding experts in some neighboring fields that are relevant to get a better knowledge and use of architectural and spatial atmospheres, both in material and digital realms. This conference aims to initiate a dialogue between outstanding experts coming from fields that are relevant to gaining a better understanding, use, and creation of architectural, medial, technological, and natural atmospheres. In our understanding, this goal needs collaboration between different fields: those of the philosophies of embodiment and spatial experience, architectural humanities and environmental psychology, neuroscience and architectural practice. To this end, the conference invites researchers, practitioners, and doctoral students from the relevant fields who are ready to contribute to the emergent discourse on atmospheres and design.

Please note: the event will be held in English.

2025.02.10 08:45
2025.02.12 18:30

Event information

date and time: 10-12.02.2025.
location: MOME Auditorium

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