ART in ACTION I MOME Course Week

"Arts in Action" is a five day workshop that promotes an active stand in society with one's work. To accomplish this, we investigate into what is art and what purposes it can serve.

MOME Design Institute
EKA I Estonian Academy of Arts
TUAS I Trier University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Manuel Vilhena, Flóra Vági

"Arts in Action" is a five day workshop that promotes an active stand
in society with one's work.
To accomplish this, we investigate into what is art and what purposes it
can serve.

We also investigate participants' ideas, values and intentions and
re-frame them through the language of contemporary art to bring the
artist's work to the public sphere in an actively meaningful way.

It presents an opportunity to investigate what we really want to
express and why and what for. In the process, it sheds a light into
allegiances, values and commitments to the outside world.

Consisting of a mix of group discussions, individual tutoring, and
hands-on work, participants will be engaged in self reflection
exercises and will refine their aesthetics and technique trough the
making of a final art-piece that will be presented in an exhibition
(Manuel Vilhena)

Event information

Start date: 13th February (Mon- Fri 9.30 -17.00 h)
End date: 17 February.

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