Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design

Strategic Development and Communication Directorate

Tasks of the directorate
Organisational units
1121 Budapest, Zugligeti út 9-25. MOME UP
A Stratégiai Fejlesztési és Kommunikációs Igzagatóság a vezérigazgató közvetlen irányítása alatt működő szervezeti egység, mely felel az Egyetem digitális fejlesztési- és adatalapú döntéshoztalai statégiájának kidolgozásáért, megvalósításáért, a digitális transzformációval kapcsolatos feladatok, a szervezeti kultúraváltáshoz kapcsolódó szervezetfejlesztési feladatok ellátásáért, valamint irányítja az Egyetem PR és kommunikációs tevékenységét a rektor szakmai együttműködésével.

Strategic Development Director

Tasks of the directorate

Development of digital development strategy

Develops the digital development strategy, and assesses, optimises, and digitalises existing workflows

Creation and development of the University’s digital interfaces

Creates and develops the University’s digital interfaces (web, app, administration systems)

Organisation of trainings related to digital developments

Organises and implements trainings related to digital developments, and provides professional oversight of digital literacy trainings

Organisational units

Centre for Data Science and Digitalisation

Head of the Centre for Data Science and Digitisation

Tasks of the centre

  • Is in charge of the implementation of MOME’s data strategy
  • Implements and ensures the data-based operation of the University
  • Develops digital solutions tailored to university life

Brand Office

Head of the Brand Office

Tasks of the Brand office

  • Develops the University’s national and international brand communication strategy, oversees and coordinates the University’s PR and marketing communication processes
  • Carries out the University’s internal and external communication tasks, and is also responsible for reinforcement of the University’s brand, as well as for designing and constantly developing the University’s identity
  • Manages and develops the University’s online and offline communication interfaces
  • Ensures the organisation and execution of events supporting the achievement of the University’s daily operation and strategic goals at a high level

Business Development

Dániel Jávor

Head of Business Development

Tasks of the centre

  • Develops the sales strategy for services to be provided by the University, including the pricing strategy
  • Gathers the contents required for development of a sales concept for the services to be offered by the University and arranges them in a consolidated format
  • Coordinates with and gets approval from the organisational units involved in sales in the offer and decision making phases
  • Markets the services to national and international partners

Student Hub

Head of the Student Hub

Tasks of the Hub

  • Organises and coordinates student wellbeing services
  • In addition to student onboarding, provides services supporting student career paths (career consulting, organisation of test interviews, running of a shadowing programme, development and operation of a mentorship programme)
  • Organises and coordinates student sports life and mental health services for students
  • Engages in community building activities and works together with the Student Council


Member of the European
Network of
Higher Education Institutions
9 Zugligeti St,
Budapest, 1121