Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design

Project office

Tasks of the office
1121 Budapest, Zugligeti út 9-25.
A Projekt Iroda a vezérigazgató közvetlen irányítása alatt működő, önálló szervezeti egység, mely átfogóan koordinálja a MOME stratégiai céljaihoz közvetlenül kapcsolódó projektek működését.

Tasks of the office

Project management

Manages, coordinates, and supports projects assigned to them by the CEO, in close collaboration with all organisational units concerned and, as required, external partners

Project support

Provides methodological support for key projects directly related to MOME’s strategic goals and solidifying its national and international position and economic connections

Development of a uniform project methodology

Manages the development and introduction of a uniform project methodology for the entire university in collaboration with the Directorate for Economic Affairs

Member of the European
Network of
Higher Education Institutions
9 Zugligeti St,
Budapest, 1121