Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design


In the project ZenctuaryVR+ the aim is to develop a VR application using participatory co-design tools and test this application directly on older adults in palliative care centre (FR) in the form of a feasibility study and conduct long-term randomized clinical trial on medical sites (HU).

Offering nature-simulated interactive VR application and a diagnostic tool at the same time, we will evaluate the implementation possibilities and the effects of VR in treating older adults in hospital settings. Our objective is to examine the effects of the VR intervention on mood, anxiety, and stress levels, to understand its diagnostic potential and to assess its feasibility for usability within healthcare centres. This would enhance patient care for multimorbid elderly individuals residing in hospitals and reduce burdens for healthcare staff. Such application would not only serve therapeutic purposes (such as relaxation and attention restoration) but could also include diagnostic features that might assist healthcare professionals in their daily work.

The VR proof of concept will be tested for wide range of variables in INSERM Strasbourg Translational Neuroscience & Psychiatry and HUS-Strasbourg University Hospital (20 patients) and longer exposure to the application will be evaluated in Hungarian Semmelweis University Clinics and MAZSIHISZ Charity Hospital (100 patients). The results of the project (5 papers) will be published in high ranking (Q1) medical and Human-Computer Interaction Design Journals and whitepapers as well as it will be presented at national and international conferences. The software development iterated during the project will be also ready for medical use (1 IP).

The project 2024-1.2.3-HU-RIZONT-2024-00103 is financed from the NRDI Fund.

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