Generations together

Introducing the Future Potential Index (FPI) at the ’Generations Together’ – Co-operation For Society’s Mental Health Conference organised by the Ministry of Culture and Innovation, on November 17 in Budapest, Hungary.

What could be the key to our successful future? What sustains the good life in a unity of order? The Future Potentials Observatory (FPO) has sought to answer these questions.


Prof. Dr. Petra Aczél, leader of the Future Potentials Project, Prof. Dr. Zoltán Oszkár Szántó, Scientific and Executive Director of the Future Potentials Observatory Nonprofit LLC., and Tamás Lőcsei, member of the Future Potentials Observatory's Advisory Board, participated in the ’Generations Together’ – Co-operation For Society’s Mental Health Conference organised by the Ministry of Culture and Innovation, on November 17 in Budapest, Hungary.


In their presentation, they introduced the Future Potential Index (FPI) for the first time. The composite index of 22 indicators displays how fit and ready OECD countries are for the future.


The Future Potential Index is not only novel in its conceptual approach. By including the static and the dynamic value of each indicator, the measurement methodology of the Index is innovative. The combined set of indicators’ latest value and change over the last 12 years shows the dynamic performance of each country, resulting in the 2022 overall ranking and the detailed future potential profile of each country.


The FPI aims to provide scholars, policy experts, and decision-makers with a new framework for developing a vision and strategies for managing the future in a holistic way. The 2023 results of the Index are accessible on the MOME Budapest website.

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