Contemporary objects in a historical environment

The exhibition featuring the most outstanding works of Product Design BA and MA students lends a new narrative to the historical rooms of the Miksa Róth Memorial House.

It explores the relationship between new and old, and raises important questions such as “Is it possible to create something new?”, “What responsibility is associated with creating objects?”, or “How can you deal with something old in a dignified manner while meeting the requirements of the present day?”. 

Organised by the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, the two-day mini exhibition will feature outstanding concepts, prototypes, and models of recent years, providing insight into the semester assignments of the programme and the challenges faced by students, and forms part of the Budapest Design Week. 


2023.10.14 10:00
2023.10.15 18:00

Event information

Opening hours: 14 and 15 October 2023, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Venue: Miksa Róth Memorial House, H-1078 Budapest, Nefelejcs u. 26.

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