An exhibition featuring the drawing heritage of the Architecture programme is opening

The comprehensive historical exhibition "Mégis megmaradt!" (Yet It Has Been Preserved) will open in collaboration with MOME and MÉM MDK. The exhibition features student works from the architecture programmes of MOME and its predecessors, spanning 120 years.

We have extended the exhibition, it can be visited until September 1 during the opening hours of the 'Műhelytér'.

The finissage of the exhibition will be held on September 4, starting at 5:00 p.m., and we welcome all interested parties!"

The selection highlights the value of the preserved drawing heritage and showcases the continuity of the spirit of architectural education across eras. Based on two semesters of research, the exhibition marks the first major milestone in exploring the potential perspectives that lie within the systematic study of this relatively unknown collection in collaboration with students. 

It features drawings by Gyula Kaesz's students and directly connects to the new exhibition of the Rózsi Walter Villa Kaesz Homes 1925–1960 – The Homes of Designer Couple Gyula Kaesz and Kató Lukáts.  


→ Course lead: Laura Jóföldi 
Concept and installation: Donatella Bánáti, Hanna Darányi-Fehrentheil, Laura Fedics, Fanni Föglein, Hanna Galgon, Milán Horváth, Milán Kas, Anna Júlia Kun, Gergely Madarász-Róna, Veronika Maron, Lőrinc Nagy, Laura Németh, Dóra Puskár, Bianka Scheffer, Abigél Sógor, Sára Székely, Enikő Szentiványi-Székely 
Visual identity and graphic design: Júlia Őri, Eszter Kubinyi 

2024.05.31 17:00
2024.09.01 19:00

Event information

Venue: MÉM MDK – Rózsi Walter Villa | Workshop
Opening: 31 May 2024, 5:00 p.m.
Opening hours: From June 1 to 1 September, 2024

More events

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Caitlin Begg masterclass
18:00 - 19:00

A conversation with Emmanuel Maggiori

In line with the best practices of international fashion schools and in sync with international fashion weeks, the MOME FASHION SHOW will once again take place this year, under the professional direction of Kele Ildikó and Viola Balázs. The MOME Fashion Show aims to provide a platform for the university's fashion, textile, and costume design students, introducing the next generation of designers to a broader audience.
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