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Once again, the works of this year's Stefan Lengyel scholarship recipients demonstrate a strong focus on social sensitivity and unlocking the potential in the intersection of technology and art. The winning projects include an elderly care application, various educational games, innovative architectural concepts, and a project that uses drones as musical instruments. This marks the eighth edition of the Stefan Lengyel Scholarship of Excellence, awarded by the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, to recognise the most exceptional students for their work.

A Moholy-Nagy Művészeti Egyetemért Alapítvány javaslatot tett az egyetem polgárainak egy új közösségi szerződés megkötésére, amellyel biztosítaná az intézmény békéjét és a megújulás folytatását. Az Alapítvány célja, hogy az egyetem polgáraival együttműködve rögzítse a közös munka alapelveit, és megerősítse a kölcsönös bizalmat.

One of the most influential figures in both Hungarian and German design, Stefan Lengyel is the designer behind such iconic objects as the ergonomic vacuum cleaner, the modern petrol station, the No. 2 tram, and many others. Now, with a new book exploring his legacy, MOME pays homage to his wide-ranging contributions, telling the story of industrial designer Stefan Lengyel (also known as István Lengyel) through captivating stories and imagery.

A Moholy-Nagy Művészeti Egyetem (MOME) Tiéd a holnap ösztöndíjprogramja 2023 őszén indult, hogy a hátrányos helyzetű középiskolásokat a kreatív pályák elérésében támogassa. A kezdeményezés szakmai és mentális segítséget nyújt a diákoknak, segíti őket, hogy eljussanak a művészeti felsőoktatási intézmények felvételijének kapujába. A program hatékonyságának kulcsa azonban olyan elkötelezett pedagógusok bevonása, akik nemcsak motiválják, hanem praktikus tanácsokkal is segítik a fiatalokat a tehetségük kibontakoztatásában. A tavaly indított tanároknak szóló ösztöndíjprogram most kapcsol élesbe.

On 11 February 2025, the Senate of Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME) held a closed session to vote on the position of rector. As previously communicated, MOME Rector Pál Koós had stated that he would respect and accept the outcome of the confidence vote. The Foundation for Moholy-Nagy Art and Design, as MOME’s maintaining body and the employer of the university’s rector, has now received his resignation. Given that the university’s general deputy rector is also stepping down alongside its leader, the Foundation is seeking to prepare the process for the appointment of an acting rector.

For the fifth consecutive year, the Foundation for Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, serving as the institution’s maintainer, has been actively engaged in driving MOME’s revitalisation. Since 2020, the university’s budget has increased nearly fourfold, and the Foundation implemented the most significant faculty salary increase in the history of Hungarian higher education, while student scholarships and grants have more than doubled and grant income has increased almost twentyfold. Moreover, the university’s pioneering initiatives in sustainability and in supporting talents from disadvantaged backgrounds have become firmly established.

Rector Pál Koós, who has dedicated 24 years to Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in various roles – including as a lecturer, head of department, vice rector, and now as rector – is committed to resolving the situation that has arisen in recent days. His priority is to ensure a calm and uninterrupted environment for work and education, which requires clarification of the legitimacy of his position. Therefore, he has formally initiated a vote of confidence in the Senate today.

"We cannot interpret our arguments as if they only exist in the present. In times of crisis, we must look further ahead. Preserving the university, maintaining stability, and strengthening its reputation must extend beyond daily struggles, fostering a sense of cohesion within the community – because as a community, our true impact lies in the sum of our everyday actions.” – Former Rector and university professor Gábor Kopek

Every object carries a story, but do minimalist contemporary furniture pieces also tell a story, and if so, what is it? This question is explored by the Fragments collection making its debut at the Stockholm Furniture Fair, one of the largest furniture exhibitions in the world. The artists behind this collection are the members of the MAIII Collective, a group of recent graduates from the MOME Product Design master's programme. Their narrative objects will be featured in the Greenhouse section, which provides a platform for emerging designers to showcase their work.

Rector of Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Pál Koós has proposed measures to find mutually reassuring solutions and has invited two respected members of the MOME community – associate professor and philosopher Eszter Babarczy and associate professor and sculptor András Mohácsi – to host and mediate the discussions with students.

Today, the Rector of Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Pál Koós has presented a series of proposals aimed at resolving some outstanding issues related to MOME’s ongoing revitalisation process.

Péter Maczó taught generations of exceptional typographers and was deeply loved by his students. Based on the principles of László Moholy-Nagy, his credo was that typography as a means of communication should be clear, understandable, and effective, and legibility should not suffer.
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