Diploma BA 2022

Date: 2022.06.30

The graduation ceremony for MOME’s BAs took place on 30 June. The event was joined by South Korean-born German star philosopher Byung-Chul Han as guest of honour.

Congratulations to all our graduates!

For more pictures continue to the MOME flickr page.. 

More news

Once again, the Stefan Lengyel Scholarship of Excellence has been awarded to talented MOME students to recognise their outstanding achievements. The winning projects of the 2023/2024 spring semester feature a range of experimental works that addresses current social issues, spanning from video games to research, architectural revitalisation projects, and developmental tools for children.

Since 2020, students of MOME’s Institute for Theoretical Studies have had the opportunity to apply for the 1-year grant specifically supporting the early careers of curators and theoretical experts five times in a row. In the 2024/2025 academic year, the final iteration of the grant was awarded to the editorial team of Rendes Kapuőrök, a group of ten Design Theory MA students, for their concept of an Instagram platform dedicated to exhibition criticism.

In recent days, our colleagues, faculty, and students have shown just what MOME is capable of when faced with a crisis. This week, volunteers from MOME have been working in Vác, helping fill sandbags to support official agencies in their flood defence efforts along the frontlines. With the emergency situation expected to last several more days, every helping hand is needed, and MOME is once again showing that its strengths lie not only in knowledge, but also in its ability to act swiftly when required.
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